This verse was written in 1980. Redundancies were throughout the country and our company was continually telling us that our new plant ,a £40 million pound investment was safe. Modern technology would not cost us jobs. When I wrote the verse 9 years before the international computer language of HTML was introduced by world scientists for shared information on the World Wide Webb. I had no idea that the verse that I called It.would have a new meaning as I.T.(Information Technology) by 1990.It was one of 4 poems written in the run up to the eventual redundancies of half the work force (700 workers). I was one who went to the dole after 5 years of training to join 3 million others.
OLD WORKS It is a man made alien,
It does jobs at great speed .
It never complains, It is not clothed,
It has you see no need.
It takes jobs, It takes no space,
It does not pant for breath
It grows dole queues, It does not care,
It to humans is death.
It does not strike, It takes no breaks,
It is not paid by the hour,
It is cheap to buy, It is cheap to run,
It is only yearning for our power.
It sheds no tears, It has no eyes,
It has a brain yet no head!,
It has no feelings, It doesn't understand,
It takes our daily bread.
It does not sweat, It does not labour,
It in its numbers grow,
It will always have the answers,
It will never say "Don't know".
OLD ROLLING It will not age or wrinkle,
It will never wear away,
It will never need a pension,
It is an alien here to stay
It will master its own masters,
It will make him still as still can be,
It will do a thousand times his work,
It will starve the likes of we,
It will work, work, work and work,
It needs no managers whip,
It has a name that's cold and cruel,
It is this "Computer and silicone chip".